Monday, August 8, 2016

One Month Mark | Reece's Rainbow

I know everyone is anxiously waiting for updates. Trust me, I wish I could give them to you! Today is the one month mark of waiting for our Dossier to be approved. The approval comes in the form of a "Match Letter," meaning Vietnam has approved our match with Quinn. Because Vietnam is in the middle of a pilot program with their adoptions since joining the Hague, their timelines are quite unhelpful. They say we should have our Match Letter between 3 and 12 months from our submission date. Ugh.  We have also been told to expect Z.E.R.O. updates until the much anticipated Match Letter arrives.

So in the mean time we are fundraising (you can check out dates for our gourmet bake sale open houses on Facebook or Instagram @callievanwag), still slowly getting Quinn's room ready (almost done!), and still basking in our childless state while it lasts. By the way, if one more person tells me to "enjoy it while it lasts" or "you won't be able to do those things once you have kids," I might lose it. We are well aware that our world is about to be turned upside down. We have been waiting for it for a long, long, long, long time. We are doing our best to "enjoy it while it lasts" while anxiously looking forward to our lives changing dramatically, we hope for the better. I hope that isn't too harsh because I know everyone means well. We just, well, know (mostly) what we signed up for :)

We are still being so blessed with a sense of peace. It is amazing that when you know you are doing the things the Lord wants you to do, nothing else matters. While we are excited and anxious to bring Quinn home, there is a process that is required to do it, and that's okay. It is long, and frustrating, and full of unknowns, and slightly terrifying, but the one thing we do know is that this is God's will for us; and that makes all the difference.
So, here is to our one month mark! We appreciate you joining your prayers with ours that things move quicker than expected and that we can bring Quinn home!